
The Great Gansey – Free Knitting Pattern

Although this gansey looks complicated it’s actually not. This is an easy knitting pattern which a beginner can follow. However, you need to have a great amount of time to mae this one because this gansey has knitted with a sport yarn and 3.5mm needles.

But as you know that time is not a problem for a crafter if she gets a unique and beautiful project at last. So, below is the link for this free knitting pattern.

Click HERE for the great gansey free knitting pattern.


For more info and instructions about this great tutorial you can find in the source url - above the photo. is a collection of the best and most creative do it yourself and Craft projects, tips and tutorials. We don,t claim ownership to any of these photos/videos. Credits goes to the original author of this great work. For more info please read our Disclaimer page.